image2993 Sudbury Amateur Radio Club

*** NEWS ***

January 17, 2025

The creation of a new club website, VE3SRG.ORG is progressing. Notification via email will advise News Group members when the new site is online.

Sept 24,  2024  Sudbury/Manitoulin Hamfest a Success

The hamfest was well attended with attendees from Timmins, North Bay, Mattawa, Sault Ste. Marie, Orillia, Elliot Lake and a young couple from Oshawa area who happened to be in town.

Thanks to all the sponsors and volunteers who contributed to the success.


Sudbury Club Group Photo


Manitoulin Club Group Photo



Sudbury/Manitoulin Hamfest 2024 - September 14

Where:  Garson Community Centre/Arena, 100 Church St., Garson, Ontario (map)

Opening Times: Vendors - 7 to 9 AM  Public - 9 AM to 1 PM 

  General Admission: $5

  Vendors: $20 - 1 table and 1 admission, additional table $10

  Talk-in frequency: 146.540 Mhz, simplex, no tone

 To Reserve your table, send email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -  include your call sign, number of tables required. Pay for your table(s)  at the door or via e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

October 5, 2023  Antenna Building Project

Luc Ve3AR is spear heading a project to design and build a yagi for the 2 meter band. Rob VE3SUD is looking for a better antenna and Luc volunteered to help him out.  A group of club members met at Kelley Lake lumber a number of times to work on laying out and assembling the antenna. Using the EZNEC antenna design software, the specs were derived and then a prototype was built by securing the five aluminum elements to a wooden boom. Following that the elements were fastened to an aluminum boom with plastic mounts.  Antenna analyzer results confirmed that the resonant frequency was quite acceptable for the 2 meter band. Below is a photo of the crew with the (almost) finished product. Note: the antenna is to be mounted from the end of the boom to a mast. The next step is to install a mast at Rob's QTH along with the antenna. With any luck Rob may get a signal into the local repeater net and the Manitoulin net.

2m  Antenna Project

Members met on Tuesday October 3, 2023 to work on the 2m yagi build.  The antenna is almost complete.  From left to right is Danny (SWL), Luc (VE3AR), Frank (VE3AC), Rolly (VA3CRE), Mike (VA3MYK), Phil (VE3POF) and behind the lens was David (VE3DZG). Other participants were: Tom VA3TSS, Steve VE3RX, Vic VE3KBU and Rob VE3SUD.

June 24th - 25th, 2023  Field Day 2023

Field day was a joint effort of the Auxillary Communications Service (ACS) - formerly the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, the Greater Sudbury Police Service (GSPS) and Sudbury Amateur Radio Club (SARC). The event was held at the old radar base near the Sudbury airport. Thanks to Marc VE3SNA and Frank VE3AC for their efforts in coordinating the event and to the participants including the amateur radio operators (see photo below), representatives from the Red Cross and members of the North Shore Search and Rescue group.


The Hams

The Operators (left to right): Chuck VE3SGK, Frank VE3AC, Al VA3BPT, Mike VA3MYK, Luc VE3AR, Rob VE3SUD, Steve VE3RX, Rolly VA3CRE, Guy VE3ZHF

.... more photos ARRL Field Day 2023

Membership Dues for 2022/2023

The club executive requests that members pay their 2022-2023 membership dues. RAC members pay $40 for a club membership and non-RAC members pay $53 for a membership. Non-RAC members pay an extra $13 because this is the amount RAC charges for non-RAC members for liabilty insurance. Please confirm that your RAC membership is current before submitting the club dues and provide your RAC membership number when you submit payment either by cheque or via etransfer (see here for details on payment methods).

October 26th, 2020: HF Nets Hosted Locally

Two HF nets are active and are hosted locally by Rolly VA3CRE. The Nickel Belt Net operates daily Monday to Friday on 40 Meters (7.250 Mhz) from 3:00 to 4:00 PM local time. The net recently passed its 2 year anniversary. A second more recently established net, the Farmers Net, operates on Sundays from 9:00 - 10:00 AM local time on 40 meters (7.242 MHZ)

January 25, 2020

SURVEY RESULTS: Earlier in December members were asked to fill in an online survey which was designed to get a better feel for what direction(s) the club would like to move in this year. The results have been compiled and will be presented at the next meeting. Here is table of the survey results and a graphical summary of the results.


Steve, VE3IAM, will be presenting the results for the survey that was offered to club members in order to determine where their interests lie with respect to Ham radio activities. If you have not completed and submitted the survey, we encourage you to do so. Results will help the club executive in planning future activities (e.g., Field Day), interest groups, training, and presentations at club meetings.

March 12, 2019

FT8 Digital Mode How-to Guide 

For those interested in the FT8 digital mode,here is a very good guide presented by Gary Hinson ZL2iFB.

Gary covers the nitty gritty of getting on the air with FT8 and discovering how weak signal communication is possible with this digital mode. There is tons of detailed information in this comprehensive guide which is written from the perspective of a DXer operating on the HF bands.

His admonition is: "Be tolerant. It is not easy to master FT8!  Be Patient!" The assumption is that readers are familiar with interfacing a radio to a computer. The WSJT-X software is free and runs on Windows, Linux and Apple MacOS (OS X).

April 27th, 2017

The presentation made by Steve VE3RX at the April 24th meeting,  "Lightning Protection and Grounding For your Ham Radio Station" is available here.

February 15, 2017

Steve VE3RX recently finished a project to replace the burnt panel lights in his Ameritron HF linear amplifier. The article he wrote about his project was published in RAC's TCA magazine. 

This article was published in the Jan/Feb 2017 issue of The Canadian Amateur magazine and is being reprinted here with their permission. 



Want to become a Ham? The club sponsors classes and examinations. To learn more, please attend one of the regular monthly meetings (last Monday of the month - September to June) at the main branch of the Sudbury public library. Meetings start at 7:00 pm.

To get started in Amateur Radio, check out the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) website (  A self-study guide is available for purchase on-line at the RAC website. 

 Sign-up for Club News - Are you interested in receiving club news via email? If so, then select Sign-up for Club News in the main menu on the left. Your email address will not be shared with a third party, nor will it be sold or used for purposes other than subscription for SARC news. You may unsubscribe at any time.