image2993 Sudbury Amateur Radio Club

About Us

The Sudbury Amateur Radio Club is an incorporated non-profit organization.

Mission Statement

1) To hold club meetings for the social, business, educational and promotional advancement of the Amateur Radio Service; for the disbursement of general information and the promotion of all aspects of Amateur Radio.

2) To own, operate and maintain auto-repeaters for the use of the Amateur Radio community.

3) To promote social aspects of the Club, i.e., Christmas party, Field Day, fox hunts, flea markets and any other social activities which may arise.

4) To be prepared , when the need arises, to assist with the supply of Amateur Radio emergency communications to organizations requesting such assistance.

Objectives of the Sudbury Amateur Radio Club

a) Promote the hobby and the activities of Amateur Radio

b) Provide an emergency communications service to the community when required and maintain equipment to do so.

c) Maintain Club repeaters and their maintenance costs.

d) Assist other organizations and groups in the field of communications.

e) In order to meet the purposes and objectives of the Mission Statement, all members must follow the Bylaws of the club.