image2993 Sudbury Amateur Radio Club

VHF/UHF Repeaters maintained by SARC

VE3SRG147.060(-) 100 Hz tone  - FM, AllStar, EchoLink

VA3SRG_C   147.090(+) DSTAR - DashBoard:

VE3YGR       444.200(+) 100Hz tone, IRLP node 2314

VE3YGR      146.760 (-) 100 Hz tone  System Fusion and FM 


2 Meter Net on VE3SRG (2 meter repeater) 

 Sundays and Wednesdays at 1930 Hrs Local Time


Trans-Canada Net on VE3YGR

Wednesdays at 1100 Hrs local time


Other Repeaters:

VE3BLZ  Alban, ON  146.700 (-) 100Hz Tone Linked to GTA Repeater System 

VE3RKN  Sudbury, ON   147.390 (+)    100Hz Tone

VE3RVE  Sudbury, ON    147.210 (+) 100 Hz Tone  ** Not in service**

VE3RMI  Little Current, ON   147.270 (+) System Fusion